Comments on: Actions and Reactions LET'S MAKE ALS HISTORY Tue, 06 Nov 2018 20:24:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liz Feltham Liz Feltham Sun, 19 Feb 2017 05:31:46 +0000 My sister: “I’m dying of the flu here”
Inside my head Me: Ah, nope. No, you’re not. You’re temporarily sick. I’m dying. A little sensitivity please!
Me: “Poor Boo, hope you’re feeling better soon. Flu sucks. Are you getting lots of rest?”

As with you Sarah, I try not to mind when friends or family say things like this, because it means they’re still seeing me as me, not as the disease.

Hugs and many thanks for your indomitable spirit, and sharing your life with such honesty and rawness.

By: Beth Carey Beth Carey Fri, 17 Feb 2017 02:50:50 +0000 Sarah, you continue to have such amazing and spot on insights into human nature and your own feelings and reactions. Thank you for continuing to share with all of us. That Valentines Dance group must have been a blast- way to go!!


By: GKJ GKJ Fri, 17 Feb 2017 00:33:25 +0000 I read all the time, but have never commented, but this time I feel compelled.

I lost a close family member to ALS, somehow it is healing to read about your experiences. I have trouble even understanding why that is true sometimes as it often breaks my heart. I guess it is a combination of appreciation of how you persevere along with a need to understand this mean disease.

I write today because your point about appreciating what you can do and what you have is so true. Health is something we all take for granted until we do not have it. We do not even notice how we feel until we do not feel well. Today I won’t take it for granted, nor tomorrow probably, because what you wrote resonates. But how do we keep up that appreciation of our health every day? We should! It should be our duty if we are healthy, or even reasonably healthy, to honor you and others and appreciate what we have.
