Comments on: Speed4Pat LET'S MAKE ALS HISTORY Tue, 06 Nov 2018 20:24:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barbara Smith Barbara Smith Sat, 30 May 2015 01:12:37 +0000 Pat and Jenn-
We so admire your attitude and determination to end ALS. It has been such a pleasure to get to know you and your wonderful family. Our son Jason has been inspired by your quest to find a cure. We are on this journey together, Pat and Jenn. I am so proud of all of our ALS warriors, you, Jason, and all of these young ALS PALS who refuse to give into ALS. As you said, “Every August Ice Bucket Challenge” until we find a cure. Our love to all of you. Gene and Barb Smith

By: Eileen Keane Eileen Keane Fri, 29 May 2015 21:33:55 +0000 Great article! So proud of you and Jenn. You are our superhero.

By: Margaret Stevenson Margaret Stevenson Fri, 29 May 2015 20:42:55 +0000 Hi,my son was also diagnosed at 30.he I’d really strong mentally,and takes the Deanna protocol,and goes to a personal trainer twice a week.
He has a 5 month old baby girl,who has taken over their lives in a great way.
