Tag Archives: amazing team

In the Words of The Team

It’s Day 6 of #whatwouldyougive. The observations and insights from the team members have really touched me. It didn’t take long for people to clue into emotions and feelings that I’ve been having for the past three years. I’ll let them speak for themselves, after reiterating how grateful I feel that they took on this challenge. The campaign feels like a success, with nearly 100K raised, and that has everything to do with the team members and donors. THANK YOU ALL, from the bottom of my wheelchair (or perhaps the bottom of something less disgusting.)


“The most challenging part was that I couldn’t make friends as easily as I normally do. I can talk to a wall and love having conversations with strangers. I just didn’t feel like me! That is the most upsetting part of ALS; people’s personalities, what makes you uniquely you, eventually gets stripped away.”

“Some unexpected things I’ve learned today about not being able to use a limb: it hurts, throws off your equilibrium, and can even make you feel claustrophobic. Multiply that by 2, 3, or 4 permanently and you have the experience of an #ALS patient.” 

“During the day I felt many emotions: sad, rude, introverted, inefficient and annoyed. I carried a note around with me explaining my silence. The second person I showed it to (at early yoga) said her brother died of ALS.” Read More>