Tag Archives: birthday

Where Memories Live

Yesterday, on my 37th birthday, I woke up to the sound of little feet running toward my bed.

“Happy birthday Mama!” Scarlett yelled, her face nearly hidden behind the gifts she was holding. My face was also hidden, behind my breathing mask, and although I wanted to scoop her up and snuggle her, all I could really do was watch her and smile.

Rob unhooked my mask, took off my foot braces, and raised our adjustable bed so I could sit up to open my gifts. Scarlett was most excited about the one she had wrapped herself. It was one of her stuffed animals, a beanie goat who has the same birthday as me.

To be unable to open your arms to your child, is there a word to describe this? I would say it’s unbearable, but of course that’s not true. Nothing that you live through is unbearable. Scarlett climbed in bed next to me and we looked out the window together: ocean, a valley of sleepy houses, the cotton candy sky.

“Look at all the old memories in the sky,” she said.

Whoa, I thought. But what I said was, “What do they look like?” Read More>

Birthday Surprises

I turned 36 on Tuesday. It’s not a big birthday or anything, so I spent the morning watching The West Wing and eating peanut butter cups, which—believe it or not—isn’t the way I normally act on a Tuesday.

As it was Election Day, I did take some time out of my busy Netflix-streaming schedule to study the gazillion propositions on the local ballot. That afternoon, my mom and I walked (I use this term very loosely) over to a garage in our neighborhood so I could do my civic duty. They had a low booth for people in wheelchairs, and I mostly ignored my struggling hands as I connected arrows on 7 pages. I love to vote. I love the sticker they give you. I’m totally serious about this.

The night before my birthday, Scarlett was beside herself with excitement. “Your present is a Bandwagon shirt!” she screamed. “IT’S PURPLE!” Bandwagon is the name of the company my sister and her husband run, and this was a great gift because I’m always trying to figure out how I can be more involved in their business without actually doing any work. Wearing the uniform is the perfect solution. Read More>