Tag Archives: summer vacation

Into the Woods

Getting ready for vacation is so much different than it used to be. Rob, Scarlett, Otto and I are in Calistoga for the week, a nice drive less than two hours from our house. In short, the perfect,  easy summer trip. But here is a snapshot of our family getting ready this morning:

My sister is over to help me shower. Rob is loading medical devices into the mobility van. Scarlett and her cousin Jack are reading together on the couch, until reading turns into kicking, which turns into yelling, which turns into falling on the floor, which somehow turns into doing a puzzle together. Otto takes this opportunity to climb onto a piece of furniture that is not dog approved. I notice, but say nothing. I am annoyed at my helplessness, my inability to get this act together. The prep takes hours, even though Scarlett packed her own bag, and my assistant set out all my clothes the day before.

My sister cleans out the fridge, and then helps me pack my medicine and a bag of makeup that will never grace my face. But why not bring it? Then we’re finally in the car, looking once again like the Beverly Hillbillies. Read More>