Too Beautiful

150K, people. That is what we have raised through the #WhatWouldYouGive campaign. It’s amazing. The idea was that the campaign would run through August, but we are going to keep it rolling, because no one in their right mind turns down money for a cure. We’ve also seen some late additions to the team, and feel like the fundraiser is still full of momentum. I want to thank all of our team members for their incredible efforts throughout the summer; we absolutely couldn’t have done it without you. For our new team members, and those still actively fundraising, a big thank you to you for joining and being a part of the inevitable end of ALS.

I also owe thanks to our more than 1500 donors, who gave selflessly and generously. My family and I are very happily overwhelmed by all of the support and empathy that you’ve brought to the cause. It’s true that right now there is no effective treatment for ALS, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that reading the notes from donors, both those I know well and love, and those I’ve never met, has definitely made me feel stronger and more able to stay positive.

In the realm of other things that make me happy, a dog trainer/walker is currently on her way to my house to whip the feces-eating, plant-destroying, stuffed-animal-stealing escape artist Otto into shape. I am embracing my need for help, and outsourcing more and more of my life, in part out of necessity, and in part because I just feel that certain stressors are not worth my time anymore. At the top of this list is The Dog.

Also on the list is The Wheelchair, which is still not fixed, making it extra hard to drive outside, where my hand gets tired after being in the wrong position for a mere half block. I am patiently waiting for the correct part to arrive, and trying not to scream in frustration every time I have to go somewhere. This is only sort of working. Last week, Rob, Scarlett and I went out to dinner, and I was struggling so much to drive down the street that I pulled over and started to cry. It’s really a good thing that I never wear makeup anymore.

Scarlett was recently talking about how she hasn’t cried in a while. My sister and her family were over, and I didn’t bring up the fact that Scarlett had in fact cried the day before, when I threatened to throw away all of her toys. #MomOfTheYear. I was curious to see where she was taking this line of thought.

“I can’t remember the last time I cried,” she announced. “It’s definitely been weeks.”

“It’s OK to cry,” said my sister. “Sometimes you can’t help it, and it might make you feel better.”

“I cry,” I offered.

“ALL THE TIME.” Scarlett said, with such alacrity that we all burst out laughing. I do not cry all the time, but I do my fair share of it. I totally cried on the way to the first day of school, and Scarlett, not understanding that I was feeling emotional on her behalf, assumed that I was crying because the song we were listening to (Sufjan Stevens Chicago) was so beautiful.

“Mommy always cries when things are too beautiful,” she explained to Marianela, who was driving. It’s good to have a tiny comic realist around when you’re beginning to feel sorry for yourself. Marianela wiped my tears away with my scarf at a red light.

Plus, I kind of was crying because that song is so beautiful. Whatever.



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4 thoughts on “Too Beautiful

  1. Deidre Reed

    Just loved this post.
    Except the wheelchair part – why does the company not understand how to solve that shit better?!

  2. Mary Millard

    Yes outsourcing to help with he dog is a good idea .. It’s helped me on so many days when my chemo totally sucks the life and energy out of me knowing the dog walker comes in handy …however the dog staying out of the trash hasn’t been resolved yet .. Regards to Liz , Rob , Jack and new baby ! From the Millards

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