Auld Lang Syne

Dear 2014,

You’re on your way out, and we here at Speed4Sarah would just like to say thanks for the memories. You were the year we got our first wheelchair, and rode it at top speeds until the battery died; the year we moved into a new house; the year we got a better wheelchair with a stronger battery, and rode it into all of the walls; the year of the Ice Bucket Challenge. Evidently, you are also the year in which we started referring to ourselves in the third person.

You are the year our daughter started her final year of preschool, the year our niece got married, the year our brother-in-law lifted us into a Ferris Wheel and we rode to the top, looked across the sky and thought we are nothing without the people who love us. Then our daughter started rocking the car back and forth, and we were like, who brought this kid?

You are the year we started this website and began sharing our experiences with the world, even though it scared us. You are the year we raised over 100K for ALS. You are the year we traveled to Boston to meet some friends who are on the same ride we’re on, and the year we joined a study that we hope will one day change the trajectory of this disease.

2014, you brought excitement, novelty, and even clarity. But now it’s time to welcome 2015, and we have some resolutions for the new year to share here:

Laugh every day. Even if this means laughing and pointing at whatever our husband is wearing that day. Actually, scratch that. Our husband is pretty fashionable and doesn’t particularly care about our opinions, anyway.

Find something to laugh at our husband about. Maybe something age related.

Drink less. But just, like, a little bit less. On Mondays.

Acquire a new skill. We are losing a lot of our skills, so it’s time to step up our game in other areas. This will be the year we master the Italian language. We’re not bragging or anything, but this will probably be the year we learn how to read minds. Maybe we’ll become a song writer. The options, while not limitless, at least include those three possibilities.

Tell our MVPs that we love them. Do this liberally.  

Turn 37. It’s good to have goals. We would really like to be 40 one day. One day at a time, one year at a time.

Win the battle of our daughter’s 5th birthday party. Wherein we want to have a big party with all of her friends, and our husband wants to take her skiing in Lake Tahoe because he thinks that will be less expensive. Whether he is right or not is beside the point.

Go easy on ourselves and on others. Let’s assume everyone is doing their best. In the words of the late philosopher Easy E, “You be good to me, I’ll be good to you, and we’ll both ride home in my automobile.” We realize we are co-opting his lyrics to make a point quite different from the one he was making. We are ok with that.

So there you have it, 2014. We are entering our 5th year with ALS, and we are feeling resolved. We know there are many things in our lives—moments, abilities, that black bra we can’t find—that we’ll never get back, but we’re ready for what’s up next. Simply put, there is so much to look forward to.

Including returning to first person narrative.


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11 thoughts on “Auld Lang Syne

  1. Mary Grant

    Wishing all of you a New Year filled with laughter, happiness and daily adventures that you share with all
    of us; your writings have made 2014 a much more meaningful year……thank you Sarah!

  2. Barb Smith

    Love your blog. This has been the year that we have met wonderful ALS families that have inspired us. We have been truly blessed. This has been the year that our son, Jason was diagnosed with ALS and his courage and spirit continues to amaze us. And 2015 will be the year that all of us collectively work together to find a cure for ALS. It was an honor to meet you in Boston and be on this journey together.
    Love from all of the Smith Family.

  3. judy steed

    i’m new to reading your blog, sarah, but am so inspired by you as well as the bravery demonstrated by you and your family on your journey. you have such a positive attitude and though i know you have to have low times, you choose to focus on the positive. i am praying for all of you and hope that your goals for 2015 are realized.

  4. Catherine Kay

    Haven’t learned to be that wise in 88 years. You’ve filled my life and a host of others with love and laughs—especially in 2014! Happy 2015 and may it be filled with peace and contentment . I love you.

  5. Jane

    You’re just so damned easy to love.

    How your husband thinks skiing in Lake Tahoe could be less expensive, well….sounds like he loves to ski. Or you transform a kiddie party into Disney World.

    If no improvement, wishing you a 2015 in complete remission.

    And I hope you find your black bra.

  6. Jahi


    Fantastic, Sarah! Best wishes for a fantastic 2015 — and 2016, and 2017!!!

    Hugs from an old friend.


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