Tag Archives: adios abs

Assisted Living

There comes a certain point in ALS progression where you start needing the kind of help that you probably haven’t needed since you were a small child. People preparing food for you is one thing, and it can actually be quite luxurious at first. When I lost my ability to cook, I hated it, but I also felt so appreciative when a hot meal appeared in front of me, the result of someone else’s efforts.

However. People bathing you, lifting you on and off a toilet, carrying you into bed, those are the things I believe Lou Gehrig was talking about when he called this disease “infantile paralysis.”

I took my last unassisted shower in September. Just last week, I completely lost my ability to transfer and use the bathroom alone. Privacy has deserted me…and I have helped it along by sharing that last bit of information on the Internet.

Rob and I received a piece of advice from our midwife after Scarlett was born. She told us to respect the baby. This meant to talk to her and tell her when we were moving her, when we were dressing her, when we were pouring water over her head in the bathtub. At the time, I thought it definitely made sense, but I wasn’t sure it mattered much to our chunky little monster, who was generally being cooed at and kissed so much that she probably thought we were trying to eat her. Read More>