Tag Archives: cold season

Being Quiet

I’m on Day 3 of a Bad Cold. It’s not really that bad, I suppose, but it’s sort of hard to tell when you mix it with ALS. In general, I don’t have a lot of coughing or nose-blowing strength, so when I’m stuffy and congested, things can be uncomfortable. My sore throat keeps me up at night, and that really highlights the fact that I can’t move around and adjust my body very well. A cold is manageable, but those of us with ALS fear getting sick like this. The flu could involve a hospital visit. Pneumonia could be fatal.

But, lucky me, it’s just this head cold. The nicest part is that with Rob on vacation and Scarlett out of school, I’ve just been able to lie in bed and nap all day. Floating in and out of consciousness, I find that I am surprisingly apathetic towards my situation. I was napping yesterday when they went to the park for a few hours, and I vaguely connected to the thought that I was literally stuck in bed, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to be still, to be alone, to be quiet.

I have more and more moments like these, even when I don’t have a cold. Read More>