Tag Archives: Heatstroke

#WhatWouldYouGive 2016

Imagine two newborn babies wrestling while having temper tantrums, and that’s the sound this bird in the tree above me is making right now. Seriously, I’ve never heard anything like it, and I so wish I could somehow attach an audio file to this blog.

It’s a gorgeous day in San Francisco, and I’ve spent it in a state of semi-consciousness on the back deck. It makes me think of summer days in Chicago, when my friends and I would rollerblade to the beach and slather ourselves in Tropical Sun dark tanning oil, so we could marinate for six hours while being entirely unprotected from UV rays. This being San Francisco, I’m wearing a sweater and socks, but it’s comfortable, even with the weird avian nursery scandal going on overhead.

Scarlett is in circus camp this week, and yesterday she practiced juggling and walking on stilts. Obviously, I’ll be living vicariously through her all summer, since the main thing I have to report about my day is the noise of a crow with multiple personalities.

Except of course that’s not true. Read More>