Yesterday, I launched a new fundraising campaign called #whatwouldyougive. I did this because I wanted to create a fundraiser that helped people understand just a bit of what it feels like to be stripped of the basic abilities that ALS takes away. The things that most of us take for granted. The things that I absolutely took for granted until I received an ALS diagnosis when I was 33 years old. I’m 36 now, and even after all I’ve given up, I’m not giving up.
While most fundraisers center around a physical activity that requires ability, this one is about the things ALS takes away. During the week of August 1-8, team members spend a day (or an hour) giving up an ability in an effort to *begin* to understand what life is like for a person with ALS.
Examples: Have someone feed you meals or brush your teeth; type on your phone to communicate. This experience is a fraction of what people with ALS deal with, all day, every day. What would you give in order to live normally again? What would you give to end this disease? Each team member reaches out to their network to raise money around their efforts.
Our team is raising money for ALS TDI, the largest nonprofit biotechnology organization dedicated to developing effective treatments for ALS. With more attention and funding, we can find treatments and an eventual cure for ALS.
Here are a few FAQs to help people better understand the concept and how to get involved. All support is so appreciated! Read More>