Tag Archives: it was the best of times

Good Fortune

Scarlett came home from school recently with two fortune cookies to celebrate the Chinese new year. The first one said “The best times of your life are still ahead.” For her, at age almost-seven, this is of course true. But it made me wonder, at what point do you get to the place in your life where it isn’t true anymore? I am probably there myself. Although I still have good times to look forward to, I think it’s safe to say the best times of my life are actually behind me. Which is something I didn’t expect to be saying at the age of 38.

The best times of my life were probably when Scarlett was young and I was still mobile. When I thought I had years and years ahead of me to experience all that life offered to an able bodied, active, and adventurous person. The best times of my life should still be ahead of me, but they aren’t, because I can’t move and I am no longer an independent woman.

Scarlett and Rob are skiing in Lake Tahoe for four days. Read More>