Tag Archives: mom with als

Things that Matter

Today I had this weird thought that maybe people think my whole life revolves around my ALS. Well, around that and around being a mom with ALS, because those are the things that I talk and write about the most. So I’m going to tell you some other stuff that I’ve been up to, because I don’t really want you to think that I write one line a day on Facebook and then kick back, streaming Scandal off Netflix until it’s time to pick up Scarlett at school. I do not do that. Ahem. I do not do that all of the time.

Once a week, I take an Italian lesson with a woman named Paola. Paola comes over and I make her a cup of coffee and we speak Italian for an hour. And sometimes we eat brownies because the lesson is at 9:30am and that is an outstanding time for chocolate. This means I have homework, so at other times during the week (usually the night before a lesson), I can be found studying Italian. Other times still, I can be found speaking to Scarlett in Italian and she can be found yelling “No Italian!” at me. Read More>