Tag Archives: naughty arm

Phasing Out—A Guest Post by Carrey

Many thanks to Carrey Robinson Dewey for providing today’s guest post. Carrey first shared this on Facebook, and I thought it was so honest and enlightening. This is life with ALS: abilities—moments, really—are taken from us. Family life changes in ways we didn’t foresee and do not welcome.

It isn’t easy, and it requires us to shift our thinking every day so that we don’t drown in the reality of the disease. So that we can keep taking care of the people we love, even if we sometimes feel that we’re doing it from the sidelines.


Our morning routines have been nuts-o here at the Dewey household the past few years. In the morning, I wake up first, craft my edible art we call lunches, get the basic breakfast supplies out, cut fruit, empty the dishwasher, greet hubby when he comes downstairs, fix his collar, hand him breakfast, kiss him goodbye—finish getting lunches, backpacks, folders ready, find shoes, fix bedhead, stick a hair bow in, and a final “don’t forget to brush your teeth,” kiss them and put them on the bus routine!

That was all before ALS. Read More>