Tag Archives: Van Morrison

Jackie Wilson Said

“Let it all hang out.” – Van Morrison

I often open my computer to write a blog post, and then become distracted by every other possibility that my computer provides. Maybe I should FaceTime people. Perhaps it is imperative that I complete a New York Times crossword puzzle. Seth Meyers clips? Look up words I think I should know, but don’t? Order things?

Because all of those options seem pretty attractive right now, this is me confessing that I am ripping this post out of myself, and I’m not sure where we’re going to end up.

Scarlett has been particularly amusing lately, in a cheeky, tweeny sort of way. She starts a lot of sentences with the phrase “Just to tell you.”

Here is a recent example: “Just to tell you, Otto was having sex with his new stuffed animal yesterday.”

To which I responded with a denial so swift it seemed Freudian, “No he wasn’t. That’s his baby.”

She gave me a look like I was a little bit slow in the head. “Well… He was having it.” Read More>