Category Archives: Parenting


Have you ever seen one of those lists of reasons why a toddler is having trouble going to sleep? I’m too lazy to look for one at the moment for direct quotes, but they include things like:

27. Toddler’s shirt is touching toddler.

42. Earth’s rotation is causing toddler to feel hungry, are there any bagels?

8. Toddler feels like dancing.

15. Toddler’s bed is scratching toddler. Toddler requires new bed immediately, yes yours will do just fine.

Those lists have always made me laugh, because having raised a toddler, I know much of this to be true. But I suddenly have a new appreciation for the plight of the small and somewhat helpless. When Rob puts me to bed at night, he settles me on my back, putting pillows under my elbows and one across my chest that my arms can wrap around. He fastens braces on my feet, and sets them against wedges that lean against a wooden chair which is kept in place by a leather ottoman. He stretches my legs and my arms and places my mask on my face. It’s a little more involved than our long ago life in Manhattan, when I would get up from the couch at bedtime and announce that I was going to bed. And then I would do that. Read More>

Happy Birthday, Scarlett!

My little girl is seven years old today. When you are diagnosed with ALS, you understand that you have a 50% chance of dying within 2 to 5 years. Scarlett was two years old when I was diagnosed, and it was reasonable for me to believe that I might not make it to her seventh birthday.

But here I am.

She woke up to balloons and a Truly Me American Girl doll, the kind that looks like her: hair that Scarlett once described as “the color of chicken nuggets”, brown eyes, and a small smattering of freckles. There was a toy that looks like Otto, and some matching outfits for Scarlett and her doll, who she named “Scarlett”, although by the time she left for school, the doll’s name might have been “Elizabeth.” It was all a little confusing.

This morning was not like her second birthday, Read More>

Just Add Mom

Scarlett and I have been watching a new show called Just Add Magic. It was recommended by a friend at school, and it seems my daughter is learning the concept of binge watching. We do three episodes in a row, and they’re only 25 minutes long, but still, when one ends we look at each other with that look that all obsessive television viewers know, the one that says “should we do another yes we should do another let’s do another right now.” The show is about three 12-year-old girls who discover a magic cookbook. It is awesome.

On Friday, while we were watching, we opened a bag of chips and Scarlett fed herself and me. I’m not a big person, but I can take down tortilla chips like someone three times my size, so it’s pretty frustrating to not be able to just do it by myself. Every five seconds, I was saying “chip please,” which quickly changed to just “chip” so that I wouldn’t interrupt the show quite as much. Finally Scarlett got annoyed with my constant chipping. “Stop saying that,” she ordered, stuffing two triangular blue chips into her mouth.

“Well, I’m hungry,” I said. “What do you want me to say?” Read More>