Tag Archives: regressing

Vegas and everything after

Rob was traveling for work this week. He had to go to Vegas for the annual Consumer Electronics Show, which he has been attending every year since at least 2008. That was the year after I started my first blog, and I wrote the following:

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Rob got back last night at 2am from a trip to Las Vegas where he spent several days communing with tech geeks from around the world at the Consumer Electronics Show. So he started his official birthday morning in an unconscious heap of jet lag, accompanied by Smokey, who does not sleep well when Rob is gone and can finally, finally rest. Which means that tonight maybe I can finally, finally rest.

For his birthday dinner Rob has requested pizza and cake. Yes, that’s right, he’s turning nine.

So for practically a decade, each new year has started out for us with CES and Rob’s birthday. I can see how much has changed just by reading that short post I wrote eight years ago. Rob would leave town for work frequently, and it hardly broke my stride at all. Aside, that is, from dealing with two annoying cats. And given the difficulties we face now, cats don’t seem particularly challenging.

I was 29 when I wrote that post. Read More>