Tag Archives: she-ros

Go Women

In honor of International Women’s Day, Scarlett made a piece of art in class depicting her “She-ro.” Spoiler alert: It was me! I was extremely flattered, though a little confused because the text under her drawing explained that she is mainly impressed by me because I was brave enough to attend my own wedding.

I’m glad she’s proud of me, but I had to tell her that I wasn’t scared to get married, that it was something I wanted to do. Still, I did use the whole thing against Rob for a little while, enjoying the idea that his daughter thought it took a great deal of courage to marry him.

I don’t find myself feeling fearful very often. Sad, angry, frustrated: those are all emotions that I’ve described in detail on this blog. But I try very hard not to spend my time feeling scared, telling myself that it doesn’t help anything. That logic works for me more often than you’d think it would. I suppose this might be the result of my anti-anxiety pills, but I don’t actually take very many of those. Just enough to get me to my first glass of wine, and then it’s smooth sailing. That’s a joke! It’s not smooth sailing at all, just ask Rob. Don’t look him directly in the eyes, though, he’s terrifying and that’s why it was so gutsy of me to become his wife. Read More>